What kind of reception would you expect the world to have of JWs in a world rocked by ISIS? They make the JWs look trivial by comparison. By being trivial they are not worth noting by the world.
Village Idiot
JoinedPosts by Village Idiot
Lets be honest we will never expose the danger to the world of JW.org
by James Mixon ini thought, ok the case in australia would open the eyes of the world about this dangerous cult.. well that passed without a ripple.
we talk about the un and the wt link, none jw's don't.
understand the significance.
Village Idiot
The 1914 doctrine: How long it will last?
by opusdei1972 inone hundred years have passed and the society still supports this lie, which of course, is the basis of their other lies, like that of the unfaithful and not discreet slave appointed in 1919. however, i wonder, what will happen after 50 years, when the overlapped generation will pass?.
and if you want, what will happen with this religion in 2100?, could it survive with the same lie??
Village Idiot
Before they came out with this overlapping generation nonsense I assumed that they would simply let the generation part of the 1914 doctrine to die a quiet death. Kind of like they did with 1975.
I know they won't get rid of 1914 in its entirety, instead they might just emphasize the natural catastrophes and world wars so they can claim to have predicted them. 1914 is simply too much a part of their core narrative. It's either they're a collective prophet or they're nothing at all. 1914 was supposed to have granted them legitimacy setting them apart as God's amazing crystal ball gazing people.
The 1914 doctrine: How long it will last?
by opusdei1972 inone hundred years have passed and the society still supports this lie, which of course, is the basis of their other lies, like that of the unfaithful and not discreet slave appointed in 1919. however, i wonder, what will happen after 50 years, when the overlapped generation will pass?.
and if you want, what will happen with this religion in 2100?, could it survive with the same lie??
Village Idiot
Double post.
Is changing the "truth" / presenting "new light" really so bad?
by Zana inplaying devil's advocate here.... what's the difference between the gb changing bible interpretations compared to parliaments all over the world changing laws?
although the us constitution (=bible) remains untouched, congress passes i don't know how many new laws every year.
and of course people are expected to follow them.
Village Idiot
What's the difference between the GB changing bible interpretations compared to parliaments all over the world changing laws?
Great question! All you have to do to know that is look at the difference between a parliament and the GB to get that answer.
GB - not elected, no accountability, claim to be speaking directly for God, claim to have the only truth
Parliament - elected, accountable, speaking on behalf of those that elected them, open to points of view, compassion, and compromise
Oh come now Viv. Politicians are accountable to the oligarchy who decide, by means of campaign funds, who gets voted in.
Is changing the "truth" / presenting "new light" really so bad?
by Zana inplaying devil's advocate here.... what's the difference between the gb changing bible interpretations compared to parliaments all over the world changing laws?
although the us constitution (=bible) remains untouched, congress passes i don't know how many new laws every year.
and of course people are expected to follow them.
Village Idiot
The Searcher,
Politicians don't claim a monopoly on "truth" and to be God's direct channel of communication on earth - but the org/G.B. does!!!
Sorry, but politicians do act like gods and believe that they have a monopoly on the "Truth".
Why Do People Become Jehovah's Witnesses?
by minimus inbesides being raised in the religion , why do people become jws?
Village Idiot
When I was 12 or 13 I had an epiphany while looking at the sky. In my mind there was a sense of wonder at nothing in particular (not God or nature). At that moment I wanted to discover something mysterious. Soon I decided that it would be about the Bible since it was the only thing that I equated with mystery.
Sometime later, I went up to my door and discovered a leaflet. It was a JW leaflet on "Babylon the Great". It impacted me in a way that went beyond the rational. It was as if a light bulb had gone off in my head. So I contacted the Kingdom Hall listed on the flyer and a couple of elders came to my door. During the study I thought I was learning the secrets of the cosmos.
In retrospect, I realize that it wasn't about the Bible but a deep, instinctive yearning to learn something about anything of worth. Both the Bible and the JW version of it were like an unfortunate detour that sidetracked me for the 8 most formative years of my life.
Had it not been for the culturally accepted idea that the Bible is mysterious I would have chosen another subject like astronomy or paleo-anthropology - the study of prehistoric men - also a source of mystery.
I was curious and naïve.
Another factor that synergized with the first - also at age 12 - was watching the post-apocalyptic movie Omega Man (Charleton Heston). I wanted to be a survivor like him driving through the empty streets of Los Angeles.
I was aching for adventure.
What are the chances of having a one on one with GB member
by Chook injesus drifted amongst the lowly folk .
Village Idiot
Cold Steel,
Certainly they must walk the halls of Bethel, do occasional shopping, go to Home Depot or get out and do chores like everyone else.
I'm sure they have assistants doing their shopping.
Found Another Medieval Coin This Evening
by cofty ini got in an hour metal detecting this evening and found this almost immediately.. it is a silver penny of henry ii minted in london by "davi" between 1180 and 1189. this adds a king i didn't have in my collection.
i now have the series of henry ii - john - henry iii - edward i - edward ii - edward iii.. i now need richard the lionheart to fill in the gap.
he was the brother of john and reigned after the death of henry ii.
Village Idiot
Keep looking! You might find gold.
Synthetic Blood trial slated for 2017
by Lee Elder inthe u.k. to start trials in a new synthetic blood substitute.
all previous versions have failed to gain regulatory approval, but perhaps this one will offer a way out for jehovah's witnesses.
Village Idiot
cha ching,
but wait.... You CAN get fractions from human blood.....
Synthetic Blood trial slated for 2017
by Lee Elder inthe u.k. to start trials in a new synthetic blood substitute.
all previous versions have failed to gain regulatory approval, but perhaps this one will offer a way out for jehovah's witnesses.
Village Idiot
Let's see. JWs are forbidden from using whole blood unless it comes from cows. But these stem cells ultimately came from humans so what is the WT likely to say? But wait, we're not supposed to take blood from humans and animals therefore...........